Australia's #1 Top Rated Tutors

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Tutoring For Parents Who Care

Here's why parents love working with us (and you will too)


Safety First

Tutors are personally vetted and have valid WWC (Working With Children) checks. Your child's safety is of utmost importance


Teaching With A Passion

Our tutors are filtered through academic screenings and a 3-step interview. Only the highest quality education for your child


Stay In The Loop

We email session updates 24 hours after every lesson with a full report of your child's current progress. We believe in the power of feedback and communication.


Don't fret about payments

No prepayments or terms upfront. We simply charge your debit or credit card 24 hours after each lesson. No penalty for missed lessons. Cancel anytime.


Oh-So Easy Booking

Book now in a few simple clicks and less than 5 minutes and have a tutor ready within 72 hours!


First Lesson On Us

Your first lesson is covered by our 100% Happiness Guarantee. Don't think your tutor's the right one? Don't worry, there's no charge

We care about more than
just the marks

(Don't worry the marks will still be there)

We believe in instilling the skills and passion for learning in our students that will last them both in the academic and real world

Let's get started.

What do families say about us?

Hi-Up is the first tutoring service my daughter has enjoyed and looked forward to each week. It doesn't waste time with work my child already understands and provides different concepts each week. The tutor we have been matched with is wonderful and is the perfect match to my child. ,


Ming W


Hi-Up tuition has turned the comprehension of math, for both my teenagers, into meaningful language & skills that they're adopting rapidly and using more in many unexpected areas of their learning journey.


Lemony S


Best choice I chose Hi-Up. Previously had tutors and both my daughter's found it challenging and learnt nothing. Since choosing Hi-Up both my daughter's received B's on the report card and they love learning. They're tutor is patient and has identified their learning style of kinesthetic. She teaches accordingly to their learning style and is supportive and positive. Confidence booster, love for studying increased and they have set goals for there self to get better results.


Ratna K


Quality, Affordable Tutoring

Pay once and never worry about payments again. We charge your card 24 hours after every lesson.
Unhappy with your first lesson? It's on us! 100% satisfaction guarantee

Online Tutoring

Anywhere, Anytime


Per Hour Session

in-Person Tutoring

We Come To You!


Per Hour Session